Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Brave Dwarves 2

The dwarves are guarding the passage secret and keep peace in their world... And now the world shuddered. For the majority it is just a natural disaster. But we know: the world substance is torn, it's time to take arms, go down and stop the invaders.

Your mission is to purge the dungeons from the evil and gather as much treasures as you can - it will take plenty of gold and diamonds to repair the seal on the Gate between the worlds.

The Warrior and the Wizard are the greatest heroes of their people. What do you prefer - slashing steel or will-power? Make your choice and start your journey.

Remember, the fate of many worlds depends on you...

System Requirements:
  • Windows 98/ME/XP
  • Pentium 266MMX
  • DirectX 7 drivers
Download Brave Dwarves Here

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